Are Memory Foam Pillows Good for Snoring?

Memory foam pillows are good for snoring thanks to their unique, supportive qualities. In the UK, 41.5% of adults snore. That’s approximately 15 million snorers and a whole lot of disgruntled partners, according to the British Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Association. If snoring is affecting your sleep, a memory foam...

Benefits of a Memory Foam Health Mattress From ...

  It’s no secret that poor sleep is bad for your health. But few people realise the true power a memory foam health mattress can have when it comes to easing common ailments and health conditions. A memory foam mattress can provide the best sleep surface for those seeking relief...

5 Statement Bed Bases You Need In Your Life

If you don’t get a buzz from bed shopping then you’re not doing it right. Get excited people because we’ve got 5 statement bed bases which will send you weak at the knees. Bright colours, bold shapes and even magically appearing TVs. Hey, you spend one third of your life...

What Is An Orthopedic Mattress? Benefits & Uses

Orthopedic mattresses (also known as ‘orthopaedic’ mattresses) are special mattresses with a medically-inspired design. They are brilliant for relieving aches, pains and sore joints while you sleep.But what is an orthopedic mattress? And how can it help you sleep? From the different mattress types to their benefits - we delve...

What Does Your Sleeping Position Say About You?

The position that we drift off in at night can show a lot more about your personality than you may think. Our sleeping positions are said to reveal more about us, compared to when we are awake. Many studies have been produced in which specific personality traits have been linked...

Good Sleeping Posture: Tips and Advice

Where are you reading this article right now? Are you aware of your posture? Likelihood is that you’re hunched over a desk or laptop. Sound about right? Good posture is equally important at night as it is during the day. Maintaining a good sleeping posture has wide ranging benefits both...